Wednesday, January 16, 2008

singledom: the grass on the other side of the hill

well, so much for my higher brow blog. off it goes, sailing straight out of that window.
my boyfriend is back from the outer (political) reaches of asia. thank goodness. the lingering feeling of being someone's lost property has been banished.
but, in his absence, i did take cognisance of the fact that being single has its perks. now, don't be alarmed, baby, but really girls, have you ever tried to buy your guy a really nice christmas present? and drinking with a whole bunch of single guys? FUN. not like THAT! get your head out of the gutter. it's just fun, period. and dancing crazily with your girlfriends in a packed sweaty club? also fun! eish, to quote leo. EISH.
however, i must say, being in a great relationship has it's definite pro's. (i would know, i'm in a great relationship, ask anyone)
firstly, no third wheel syndrome/only-single-in-the-room syndrome
secondly, great prezzies:)
thirdly, arms of a loved one are a great place to be
fourthly (is that a word) well, i speak for myself here, but i couldn't wish for a sweeter, better, more caring guy.

despite all this, i miss my friends, i really do. not my boyfriend's friends, god knows i see enough of them:p (they're great though, really), but MY friends, that made all on my ownsome. and i want them back! hence my new years resolution:
FRIENDS DAY! so i get the best of both worlds, single with friends, but still in a happy relationship. if anyone tries to argue against the logistics of this, i will get someone (god knows who) to roundhouse kick them.

so yes, im a single girl in a relationship:p

1 comment:

Seraph Ender said...

Good for you! :)

I know too many girls (no names mentioned) that fall into a trap when they get into a relationship. That is to say - They get into a great loving relationship and then they never see THEIR friends ever again. Soon the only friends they end up with are their loved ones friends.

You guys do have a great relationship and I'm glad that you're making a conscious effort to not fall into said trap to make it an even greater relationship. :)